
Posts Tagged ‘Vagina’

Its been over two months now since the glorious inception of SurfingRuinedMyLife.net and in that time I have experienced a lot of growth in readership and overall hits.  Initially when I started this website I didnt know what to expect.  I left myspace.com as a result a steady decline in readership and overall stagnation of layout and censorship of content.  At first I enjoyed frequent visits and comments from close friends and my old loyal readers who made the move from myspace.com to here.

Then I, like Alexander the Great decided to go out and increase the bounds of my small internet territory and attempt to turn it into an empire.  This when I began using tags to draw hits from search engines and other various internet sources.  Even after such efforts new hits were few and far between, but lately I have been getting a ton of search engine traffic.  Unfortunately I dont know if my new readers are of the clientele I was looking for.  Then again its not my place to judge anyone.  Why dont you be judge here was the most popular searches that got people to my website in the last few days:

1. Diseased Virgina
2. Hymen
3. A midget with a real hairy ass
4. White Vaginas
5. Hymen Breaking Video
6. Dicks that go inside pussy
7. Fat Vaginas
8. Matt and Surfer and Rincon and Oxnard and Gay
9. Men Sucking Vaginas

Besides these gems of which I get about thirty variations of a day there is also the occasional hit for someone looking for a recipe or something surfing related.  But it is the above list that has me baffled.  This web site is not about vaginas or hymen.  I understand the midgets because that has definitely been and always will be a reoccurring theme here (if you missed that last midget blog it was pretty classic: Its a Small World After All).  The only post I had related to vaginas was Something Smells Fishy and that was more of a farce then pornographic.

What a let down it must be for someone when they type in “broken hymens” or “video of dicks going inside vaginas” and all they get is some shitty text based website with a picture of some guy who appears to be taking a shit on the home page and a picture of a cat drooling as the gravatar.  Then again if I was searching for porn I would not click on a link to a site called surfingruinedmylife.net.  Well maybe they liked what they saw and now I have a new following of perverts and degenerates.

Then again who am I kidding Im both these entities so this site is probably a consolation.  Consider it like a club for the eternally misunderstood. Who am I to deny anyone what they like.  Here is another stupid picture of me being a moron with a dumb face and another picture of my retarded cat being weird.  Thanks for reading my drivel, enjoy.

Yep I dont think I could have looked more stupidly absurd if I tried.

Neither could my cat

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